Social Icons

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Create A Hidden User Account

Create A Hidden User Account
This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000. #[Start] [Run] [Regedit]#Registry Key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList#Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.#Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden#Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]#Exit Registry and Reboot...

While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail
When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Gmail:

1.Log into your Gmail account with your username and password.

2. Open the mail.

3. To display the headers,* Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links.* Click on Show original.

4. You should get headers like this:Gmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is65.119.112.245.That is be the IP address of the sender!

5. Track the IP address of the sender.

How to find the IP address of the sender in Hotmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
Finding IP address in Hotmail
1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
2. Click on the Mail tab on the top.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.

5. If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP addressHotmail headers : name ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
6. If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
7. Or else if you have headers like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] (Spam mail). Jump to step 9.
8. * If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have
9. Track the IP address of the sender

How to find the IP address of the sender in Yahoo! mail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.
5. You should see similar headers like this:Yahoo! headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is is be the IP address of the sender!
6. Track the IP address of the sender

Keeping the Windows XP Core in the RAM

If you have 512 MB or more of RAM, you can increase system performance by having the Windows XP 'Core' kept in the RAM instead of paged on the hard disk.

Go to Start -> Run - Type regedit and press enter - On the left hand side tree, navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\

- On the list on the right side, look for an entry called 'DisablePagingExecutive'
- Double click it
- Press 1 on your keyboard
- Click OK
- Exit regedit and reboot the computer

To revert to the default setting, follow the same steps as above, but this time, press 0(zero) instead of 1 on the keyboard.

Remove Thumb.db file

Thumb.db is is a cache of the current picture in that remove it go for following
step1 > open "WINDOWS EXPLORER".
2>go to "TOOLS".
4>go to "VIEW".
5>see 1st section "FILES & FOLDERS".
6>click on the "DO NOT CACHE THUMBNAILS".
now the thumbnail file will be removed from ur computer once u do this the file will be never created.

Trick to Show ur name after time in taskbar...

Hi freinds !
I m here to tell u a trick to add up ur name in place of AM and PM beside time and make urself to feel proud among ur group of frnds.
Its simple
Start -> Control Pannel -> Regional and LAnguage option -> Customize (beside English US) -> Go to TIME tab -> Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> Ok ...
IS it changed ??? Might be not ...Now go to time in taskbar and Double Click it to open "Date and time property" ...Look place where time chnges in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM , click to arrow to cnage the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow. It will Show ur name or name that was entered by u, Apply -> OK and be HAPPY 8)

Hidden Programs In Windows XP !

Is it strange to hear , but true that some good programs are hidden in Windows XP !!!

Programs :

1. Private Character Editor :

Used for editing fonts,etc.
** start>>Run
** Now, type eudcedit

2. Dr. Watson :

This an inbuilt windows repairing software !
** start>>Run
** Now, type drwtsn32

3. Media Player 5.1 :

Even if you upgrade your Media Player, you can still access your old player in case the new one fails !!!
** start>>Run
** Now, type mplay32

4. iExpress :

Used to create SetupsYou can create your own installers !
** start>>Run
** Now, type iexpress

Updated trick for enabling Folder option

Many times Windows users face a common problem. The “Folder Options” in “Tools” menu is not visible. Even It can’t be accessed from Control Panel. Also “Registry Editor” is disabled.
Follow the simple steps mentioned in this tutorial and your problem will be solved:

1. If Folder Options is disabled but Registry Editor is still working in your system, then you can enable Folder Options by editing Windows Registry.
Type regedit in RUN dialog box and press Enter.
it’ll open Registry Editor, now go to following keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\ExplorerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer
In right-side pane, check whether a DWORD value named NoFolderOptions exists or not? If it exists, delete it.

2. If you are not familiar with editing the registry, then you can simply download following file, extract it and then run the .REG file:

If u cant run regedit ....
Seems like your system is infected with a virus. Pls follow following link:

Some ppl find that "show hidden files and folders" option ll not b enabled..
though enabled they cant c the hidden folders...
for that dont worry
--open RUN
--type regedit
--HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Advanced
And in right-side pane, change value of “Hidden” to 1 and refresh My Computer window and you’ll be able to see hidden files again

Add Your Name (or) Application to right click Of My Computer

Caution ..
As it is related to Windows regisrty it can be dangerous
so,Try This at ur own risk 

To write your name on right click application
please follow the steps.
1.Copy/Paste the following code in Notepad And then Save it as .reg 

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor] 
@="Your Name Or Name of the Application" 
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor\command] 
@="Location Of The Application"

Now edit it and then Type your name In 


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor] 

3. If u want to get any application, once you click Your name or name of application
Then , Type the location Of the application Which u want to open In: 

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor\command] 
@="Location Of The Application"

For eg.C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\messenger.exe
Thats It finally save it And then Run it .

To add Application Control Panel

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Control Panel\command]
@="rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL"

To add Application Add/Remove 

@="control appwiz.cpl"

To add Application Reboot

@="shutdown -r -f -t 5"

To add Application Shutdown

@="shutdown -s -f -t 5"

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Get ultimate paid apps for free... with BLACKMART ALPHA

Install the Blackmart Alpha......

Its a black market which lets you download paid apps for free....

You just require Android 1.5 or the higher versions of Android...

You can download Blackmart Alpha 

Make your frendz scare by the MOST FUNNY VIRUS...... :p

Its just a funny virus and it will not harm any of your file in system just too make friend scared here the batch file 

here is the code just type in notepad or copy and .save it as kinng.bat

@echo off 

pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
echo It will now begin to delete your files. 

pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
echo Do you want to abort the deletion of your files? 

echo Wow you really fell for that.AB made the CODE which will delete your account. 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
echo deleting....... 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 
pathping localhost -q 2 -p 250 > nul 

TIP: You can also change the icon of your batch file for making it more attractive........

Jailbreak IPHONE 4and 3gs with IOS 6.0.1 using REDSNOW

1. Download RedSn0w 0.9.15b3 from here.
2. Ensure you have iOS 6.0 available for your device on your computer, if not, download the iOS 6.0 firmware file for your specific device from here.
3. Connect your iOS device to your computer, and place your iOS device into DFU mode.

4. TO enable DFU mode you will have to:

  • Plug your device into your computer.
  • Turn off the device.
  • Hold the Power button for 3 seconds
  • Hold the Home button without releasing the Power button for 10 seconds
  • Release the Power Button but keep holding the Home button
  • Keep holding the Home button until you are alerted by iTunes saying that it has detected a device in Recovery Mode

5. Open RedSn0w and ensure it recognizes your device at the bottom of the screen as being in DFU mode.

6. Click Extras > Select IPSW > and point to the iOS 6.0 firmware file.It should successfully identify your firmware file

7. Go back to the main page of RedSn0w, and click Jailbreak. The jailbreak will process and then it will present you with an options screen.

8. Ensure that “Install Cydia” is checked, and click Next to proceed with the jailbreak process.

9. Once the jailbreak is complete, you should be on your Lock Screen.

10. Place your iOS device back into DFU mode.

11. Go back to the Extras > Select IPSW > and reselect the iOS 6.0 firmware fileagain. You must select this firmware file again on beta jailbreaks, or else you will get a failure message.

12. On the Extras page click Just boot to perform a tethered boot.

13.  You should see a pineapple logo on your device’s screen after a while, as the device boots up.

14. Once the device is booted, swipe to the Home screen’s second page, and wait until the Cydia app icon appears on the page.

15. Congrats, your iOS 6.1 beta 2 device is now jailbroken using RedSn0w 0.9.15b3.

Hacking WIFI in Windows with Commview and Aircrack - ng


1. Commview for WIFI: 

This tool is used for capturing the packet of wifi which we have to crack.this is also used for convert the file which is required for crack ( in this crack we convert .ncf file to .cap file)
To download this software Click Here.

2. Aircrack -ng:

This tool is used for retrieve password from captured file from commview for wifi software
to download software please CLICK HERE

Steps to Hack WIFI in Windows:

1. install commview
2. after installation a popup window is open in commview software for driver installation .( if pop window not open then goto > help > driver installation guide then do this)
3. install commview driver for your wifi network( without installation of driver you cannot capture data of desired wifi network)
4. after installation of driver click on capture button on left corner of software.
5. a pop up window is open and show wifi network near you.
6. select wifi network which you want to hack and click on capture.
you must need to see your connection is wep or not.(this trick only work with wep)
7. after that you can see the commview capture wifi data.
8. now goto to logging panel in commview and tick on auto saving and put
maximum directory size, mb – 2000
average log file size- 20
9. now capture packets for 2-3 hour.( about 1 lakh packet)

Steps to Convert CAPTURED FILE:

open commview and follow step
1. goto file>log viewer
2. after open log viewer
3.goto file> load commview log> select all capture file > then open
4. after opening goto>export logs > select wireshark tcpdump format
5. save file with desired location (this file is used for cracking password).

Crack Password using Aircrack -ng:

1. open download package.
2. goto bin and open aircrack-ng GUI.exe
3. open converted file
4. select key size – 64
5. click on launch
6. index no. of target file is– 1
7 wait for cracking password
8. if wifi password is cracked then it write
password 100% decrypted 94:15:74:54:42
in this password is 9415745442 for wifi

If cracking fails in the first attempt:

If password is not cracked then it say FAILED NEXT TRY WITH 5000 IVS ,so we have to again capture packets and repeat above process again till password is crack
NOTE:- when we again capture packet and convert it into cap then we have to select all previous captured packet also to convert

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Samsung wave525 debranding and software upgrade

Really Amazing!!!!

Apple , install paid apps for free


Make your folder invisible without hiding

PDF tricks

Hey peeps now u can listen to wats there in a pdf document instead of reading the whole document....
Try out the following key
combinations for Acrobat 6.0 & 7.0:
- ctrl+ shift + b ---> To hear the whole document
ctrl + shift + v ---> To hear only the page
ctrl + shift + c ---> To resume
ctrl + shift + e ---> To stop

Make your windows xp genuine

This will allow you to bypass the Microsoft Genuine Validation thingythis method works better than many others i've tried before.
forget the cracks and injectors etc... this is the BEST WAY:
1) start > run > "regedit" (without the quotes of course)
2) go to the key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents\OOBETimer...and doubleclick on it.
Then change some of the value data to ANYTHING ELSE...delete some, add some letters, I don't care...just change it!now close out regedit.
3) go to start > run > "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" (again, dont type the quotes)
4) the activation screen will come up, click on register over telephone, then click on CHANGE PRODUCT KEY, enter in this key: JG28K-H9Q7X-BH6W4-3PDCQ-6XBFJ.
Now you can dl all the updates without activating,
and the Genuine Microsoft Validation thingy won't bug you no more!!
Works with most WinXP versions though ther r some exceptions...

Nice Windows Shortcuts


Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
WindowsLogo+D (Display the desktop)
Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows)
Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)

CTRL+C (Copy)
CTRL+X (Cut)
CTRL+V (Paste)
CTRL+Z (Undo)
DELETE (Delete)
(Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
F2 key (Rename the selected item)
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word) CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word) CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)

CTRL+A (Select all)
F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)
CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)

Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager) Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off)
Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off)
Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off)
SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off)
NUM LOCK for five seconds (Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off)
Windows Logo +U (Open Utility Manager) Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
END (Display the bottom of the active window)
HOME (Display the top of the active window)
NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) (Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder)
NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) (Display the contents of the selected folder)
NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-) (Collapse the selected folder)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Safari sam slot betsoft